Wednesday, October 15

Weird Dreams...

As with the pregnancy with Bree, I am having weird dreams again. Last time they mainly focused on Eric dying. This time they are focused on Eric leaving me for someone else, about one every night (when I sleep through the night). I have nothing to base this on other than him being more irritated with me this pregnancy. He forgets that when I was pregnant with Brianne our lives were very different. We didn't have a mortgage to worry about, I wasn't working, he wasn't in school, he didn't hate his job, and we didn't have a three year old. All of those factors are making this pregnancy much different. We are both so tired and I am especially more tired. My second trimester is the hardest for me, I have trouble standing for extended periods of time, which makes doing chores around the house hard. Eric has had to pitch in a lot more and he is not used to that. He does it, but not always quietly. I then remind him that I am growing a new little human being inside me, and he says yeah I know, sorry.

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