Saturday, November 22

November 20th appointment

Hi Everyone~

I went to the OBGYN on Thursday and all is just as it should be. The only random thing is that she gave me some antibiotics because I have been coughing up and blowing out yellow and green mucus for over a week now. It is getting better and I can't wait to be rid of this disgusting sick taste/smell in my mouth/nose.

I am getting very big and can't seem to remember that I can't do all the things I used to be able to. Simple things like bending over into the shopping basket to put things on the check out counter. I also need to remember to rest more. It is so hard to go from doing everything for yourself, then in a matter of months not be able to do that. I feel so helpless. My stomach sometimes sticks out so far in front (as it did with Brianne) that i can't even bend over to get the laundry out of the machine without it taking 30 minutes to unload because I have to do it from the side one piece at a time. Grrrrrr...I hate feeling helpless.

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