Saturday, December 6

December 4th Appointment

My appointment on Thursday went well. All is as it should be. The baby was facing head down and sounded great.

For the past week or so everyone (even people who don't notice things like that normally) I come in contact with feels they need to tell me the it looks like I dropped. Usually this isn't a concern of mine since with Brianne I would hear that every other day. The only concern I have now is that with Brianne, on the other days people would tell me how high she looked. Nobody has told me that about this one in a long time. I would not be at all surprised if this little one comes out early (early January). My only relief is that I am not feeling any contraction, but on the other hand, i didn't start felling contractions until about a week before I had Bree. I am feeling more less pressure on my lungs though. We'll see....

This baby is very active! Almost always moving around I love seeing my belly jump is so neat!!

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